The Yes to Life Charter for Oncology
As part of our 20th Anniversary activities, Yes to Life has launched a Charter for Oncology that sets out a vision for a modernised clinician-patient relationship, a partnership of mutual respect that really does place patients at the centre of their own care plan.
Find out more about the Charter – read, add your support and spread the word to build a momentum for change:

Tool Kits
There’s a lot to think about when you have been diagnosed with cancer. Not just for you but also for your family and friends and carers. Not sure what to ask your oncologist? How to find the right practitioner. Where can I find information about additional therapies outside of the NHS. Find out more.
Books, Videos and Blogs
There are some fantastic books available about cancer from practitioners, as well as powerful personal stories and books about understanding cancer. We have created some suggestions, but please also let us know about ones you have read and would like to share with others. As well as books, there are some links to YouTube Sites, Videos and Blogs. Find out more.
We are always looking at ways in which we can reduce the financial burden on people with cancer. Building long-term relationships with providers of a range of products has enabled us to offer discounts. Find out how to access these here and contact us if you are interested in making a purchase. To find out more, contact us.

Join our Life Directory
If you are a practitioner or represent a clinic or organisation working in the field of Integrative Medicine, supporting people with cancer, you can apply to be listed as a Provider in our fully searchable online Life Directory.
Join us to build the most comprehensive Integrative Medicine Providers list in the UK and worldwide. To find out how to apply contact us.
Practitioner Supporters
If you are working in the field of Integrative Medicine, you can help support our work by donating on a regular basis. Yes to Life is working constantly to promote the agenda of Integrative Medicine, your agenda.
We will acknowledge your support in our news feed and on social media. If you would like to find out more, please get in contact.